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Save money for the future

Are women interested in investments? I never really thought that women were interested in assets, but then I started to talk to some of the girls I date at Richmond escorts. One of the girls Richmond escorts of seemed to be very savvy when it came to investments and had done rather well for herself. Like everything else, women look at investments differently. They may not be interested in standard assets, but there are other things they want.

Sara, my hot booty call at Richmond escorts, told me that she loved to save money for the future, and that is how she looked at investments. But stuff like shares and futures markets just bored her, so avoid those. She had done the right thing by buying her apartment, and I agreed that it was a smart thing to do. After that, she started to pay into a pension scheme and use her ISA allowance every year.

But she thought that her pension scheme and her ISA allowance were kind of boring, and she could not get her head around the rest of the investment markets. I don't get time to study the stock market during my working day at Richmond escorts, she told me with a little giggle. I could see the point unless you understand the stock market; you should not dabble in it as it can be an expensive mistake. I have invested money in the stock market, but I have not always got it right, to be honest. Financial trends can be tedious, and I am not sure that we should all be playing around with the stock market. I instead think it has a habit of playing around with us.

Sara said that she liked jewelry, and to my surprise, she was up to date on how you worked out the value of gold, and where you could buy gold in London. It turned out that Sara saved some of her money from Richmond escorts every month and went gold shopping a couple of times per year. As she said, you can get some great deals just by going to the right dealer in Covent Garden, and it seemed that Sara had her favorite Jewish guy already lined up.

We chatted for a while about gold, and Sara told me that she was planning to expand as she called it. A gent who she had met at Richmond escorts had given her a rather lovely diamond ring, and she was now considering investing in precious stones as well. Once again, I was a bit surprised at her savvy, but it turned out that she was indeed keen to learn about diamonds and other precious stones. We often think of women as a bit silly when it comes to investments, but many ladies I have met are a lot savvier than we give them credit.

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