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Should I put my business online? I am not sure if I should put my business online or not. For the last year, I have been running a small alongside Orpington escorts. It does do well, and my customers would like me to put my business online, but I am not sure if the hat is the way I want to go. Running a busy online does not worry me by itself, but I wonder if it was profitable.

My business is a lot about a person to person contact, and I am not sure that it would work online. Before I joined Orpington escorts of, I was really into restoring furniture for myself. I find it relaxing, and since joining the agency, I have carried on doing it. I love it, and I do sell quite a lot of my stuff. For seem reason, I seem to have buildup a specific clientele and have recommended me to others. It is excellent, but I am not sure the business would take off online.

I would have to spend a lot of time marketing the business online, and I am not sure if it would cost-effectively. Selling the company would take up a lot of working hours. I know that might be a good investment, but at the end of the day, I think I would rather be out in my garage restoring furniture. The guys who set up our Orpington escorts website believe that the business would do high online, but I am not sure about that. I would become frustrated and bored.

Restoring furniture is something that I can lose myself in. Once I have left Orpington escorts after my shift, I am straight home to think of new ideas. You can make it simple or complicated, but I like to keep it simple. Most of the furniture that I restore comes from the skip or found at the recycling center. I cannot remember the last time I bought a piece of furniture to restore. It is what makes the business special. I can sell unique pieces for very little money, and people like that.

My boss at Orpington escorts thinks that it is a great idea to put the business online. In a couple of weeks, I  featured in a national magazine that deals with home design, and he says I should have the website ready by then. I do have pieces available, and they photographed, but I am not confident enough. One of my dates thinks that I should go for it as well. He says it is a niche market and niche markets often do well. I want to believe that it would, but I do have a secure personal connection to my pieces, I even found it difficult to sell some of them.

As you would expect, escort agencies require all escorts under their management to adhere to their rules when dealing with clients. Private escorts may as well make resolutions that will guard their dealings. Here are the top 5 things Charlotte Action escorts are forbidden to do with their clients:

1. Sending selfies and nudes

Many agencies forbid their escorts from sharing selfies and other intimate images like nudes. And you would be surprised by the number of clients who actually ask for selfies and nudes before meeting the escort. The reason why agencies forbid this is quite obvious; you don’t know where your pictures will end up after everything. It is just considered to be unprofessional to share such pictures if she is under the management of an escort agency but she can choose to push boundaries a bit if she’s operating privately.

2. Recording sexual acts with a client

That’s highly forbidden even among the privately operating escorts. There is a lot that can happen thereafter. The video may end up on the internet or may be used in any malicious way. It is so dreadful that some escorts will remind you several times not to do that kind of thing.

3. Never blurring the line between pleasure and business

What if the client is so much into an escort that he requests for a more private date? Nine out of ten escort agencies won’t permit that sort of thing – sex work remains work. Neither will private escorts entertain it. The job of the escort is to make the client himself, it ends there.

4. Negotiating the prices

When you open the escort agency's website or the private escort's web page, you will see prices clearly outlined together with every bit of important information you need to know. Adverts will also remind you about the same things. You are required to read the price listings and the escort's profile and choose to book her services or decline. Prices are rigid and no escort is allowed to make negotiations with the client to make the service a little cheap – you get what you see, you pay what you are told.

It is incredibly offensive to ask for a discount as well, whether the escort is managed by an agency or she is out on her own. And don't think you're entitled to discounts because you are so cute and the escort is somehow impressed. Remember this is her work and her business.